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Un anno di Curly Girl Method

cambiamenti di un anno

Ciao a tutte ragazze!

Non sapete quanto ho aspettato che arrivasse questo articolo!

Un anno esatto di Curly Girl Method ! 



prima del CGM

I miei capelli prima di iniziare il Curly Girl Method


Quando ho cominciato il mio percorso, non vedevo l’ora di vedere i miei risultati, ed ero curiosa di sapere cosa sarebbe cambiato, se effettivamente io avrei mai raggiunto gli obiettivi che mi ero prefissata. 

Sono felice nel rivedermi, perchè oggi posso dirvi, che sì non solo ho raggiunto i miei obiettivi, ma anche di più! Sono andata molto oltre le aspettative. 

Non è stato semplice, ci sono stati momenti nei quali avrei voluto mandare tutto al diavolo, ma alla fine, avere pazienza, essere costante, studiare è servito e mi ha ripagato di tutto.

In questo articolo voglio darvi la motivazione giusta per cominciare, ma anche quella per non mollare alle prime avversità, quindi mi voglio riguardare indietro, e fare un breve riassunto/ricordo del mio percorso.

un mese di trattamento

21 Dicembre – 21 Gennaio
Un mese di Curly Girl Method

Ho iniziato questo percorso con perplessità e difficoltà, avevo i capelli davvero danneggiati, il 21 dicembre 2018 è stato l’inizio di tutto. Nella prima foto, potete vedere il primo lavaggio che ho effettuato, con il mio solito shampoo (usavo la linea Gliss) e poi balsamo Omia, maschera Omia all’aloe e styling dei capelli con il mio primo prodotto buono, deva curl, e il gel ai semi di lino fatto a casa.

Dopo un mese, i capelli erano già piuttosto diversi. La cosa che più mi ha aiutato, è stato prendere spunto dalle mie muse preferite, blogger di tutto il mondo, che partivano anche loro da una situazione iniziale disastrosa. Tra le prime, c’era ovviamente Liz, che adoro, la quale effettuava il Finger coil per re-insegnare ai capelli ad arricciarsi. Così, qui vi lascio il mio primo video nel quale vi faccio vedere la tecnica del Finger coil, ed ammirate la differenza incredibile dei miei capelli da come erano a come li conoscete oggi:



Ho condiviso con voi questa tecnica fin da subito, anche qui nel mio blog, con un articolo dedicato, perchè per me è stata tra le rivoluzioni più importanti: ho effettuato il Finger coil per ben sei mesi, con costanza e pazienza, all’inizio ci mettevo un secolo, poi piano piano, ho iniziato a migliorare sempre di più e son diventata più veloce. L’ho fatto sia durante lo styling che anche quando mettevo in posa la maschera, proprio per stimolare il mio capello a tornare alla sua forma a spirale.

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I miei capelli dopo qualche mese di metodo, iniziavano a prendere una forma che già per me era il top. Ancora un bel po sfibrati, ma ricci! Era ciò che contava per me in quel momento!

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Dal quarto-quinto mese circa, ho iniziato a paragonare i miei risultati, ricordo di aver scattato questa foto, e di esserne stata molto orgogliosa, perchè adoravo quel risultato, mi sembrava veramente che i capelli fossero quasi al top, non mi aspettavo invece di vederli in continua evoluzione; si stavano infatti solo preparando al vero cambiamento.

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Le due foto che vedete, hanno circa un mese (o due massimo) di distanza l’una dall’altra. Nella prima in alto, ancora davo poco spazio ai prodotti, mi concentravo più che altro sulle tecniche. Nella seconda foto invece, ho iniziato a provare i prodotti di Shea moisture, As I Am, Curls, Cantu e con le tecniche apprese, ho iniziato a vedere i primi veri risultati buoni. I capelli hanno iniziato a riempirsi e a nutrirsi sempre di più, come dimostrano le foto che vedete.

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A maggio, decido di tingere i capelli, per tornare al mio colore naturale. AIUTO! Oltre ad aver sbagliato completamente colore (troppo scuro), avevo paura di aver interrotto il metodo bruscamente, e di averli danneggiati di nuovo: è stato allora che ho provato finalmente il trattamento olaplex n.3 a casa, ed è stato veramente la salvezza. I capelli non hanno risentito per niente della tinta, e ricordo, che quella fu, tra le ultime volte nelle quali ho effettuato il Finger coil, per la messa in piega. Di seguito vi lascio il video della mia prima volta con Olaplex n.3:


Durante l’estate, ho avuto alti e bassi, è stato difficile gestire i capelli, durante il caldo afoso, l’umidità, e soprattutto il lavoro fuori casa che mi portava via tante ore, ma ho comunque potuto sperimentare cose diverse e tecniche nuove, come per esempio la crema corpo sui capelli; e soprattutto sono riuscita a capire come sfruttare al meglio la Denman brush.

View this post on Instagram

Obsessed with my hair today. I washed my hair with @cantubeauty and @asiamnaturally conditioner and co wash , then I deep conditioning with @sheamoisture and then style with @sheamoisture leave in and @ecostyle_uk Gand @asiamnaturally curling jelly gels ? . Ossessionata dai miei capelli di oggi ? Ho utilizzato il co wash di As I am e il balsamo di cantu , ho messo in posa una maschera di Shea Moisture per due ore, poi ho effettuato lo style con un leave in di Shea Moisture , e I gel di Eco style e as I Am ? . . #washdayresults #washday #curlyhair #curlsroutine #curlsforgirls #curlygirlmethod #thecurlygirlmethod #sheamoisture #ecostyle #bio #cgmethodapproved #cgmethod #lovemycurls?#loveyourcurlsagain #curlyhairvideotip #curlyvideo #3acurls #curlscurls #curlsrock #dryhair #bouncycurls #softcurls #definedcurls

A post shared by Angry Curl ? (@angry_curl) on



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Oggi, i miei capelli sono esattamente come sognavo, come speravo diventassero, e tutto questo mi rende orgogliosa del percorso che ho fatto, completamente autodidatta , e sono ancora più orgogliosa di aver potuto aiutare tantissime di voi, che mi scrivete e mi sostenete sempre, il percorso è solo all’inizio, c’è ancora tanto da fare, ma grazie di cuore a tutte coloro che mi scrivono e sostengono; questo articolo è principalmente per voi, per darvi la motivazione giusta, a proseguire e non arrendervi alle prime difficoltà.










Vi è piaciuto questo articolo? Iscrivetevi alla mia pagina Instagram per non perdervi proprio niente, le mie routine, i refresh e i progressi dei miei capelli!


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non esitare a contattarmi via mail o sul Direct di Instagram, per scoprire come funziona!

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    purchased and sold from different owners all through the day on inventory exchanges, whereas mutual
    funds are bought and offered from the issuer based
    on their worth at day’s finish. These charges are paid to the ETF issuer out of dividends acquired from the underlying holdings or from the sale of property.
    An alternate-traded fund (ETF) is a sort of funding fund that can be an change-traded product, i.e., it is traded
    on stock exchanges. Unlike mutual funds, ETFs trade on a stock change,
    can be sold short, might be purchased utilizing funds borrowed from
    a stockbroker (margin), and might be purchased and offered
    utilizing limit orders, with the purchaser or seller aware of the worth per share upfront.

  • ニップン 配当
    Agosto 28, 2024 at 3:28 pm

    Di Modica credits both Western and Chinese cultures as influence on the
    work, noting that the “Charging Bull” and the Chinese zodiac’s Ox served as inspiration. The Shanghai Bull,
    the Bund Financial Bull or the Bund Bull are monikers associated with a
    derivative of Arturo Di Modica’s Charging Bull installed in late April
    2010 and unveiled on The Bund in Shanghai on May 15, 2010.

    Although the 13,227.74-pound (6,000.00 kg) work of art is said to have the same
    height, length and weight as the New York City Charging Bull,
    actually it is 17.1-foot (5.2 m) long and 10.5-foot (3.2 m) tall.

  • 積立nisa おすすめ ファンド 楽天
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    Gen-Xers were the first gamers, the first kids to be weaned
    on cable TV, the first members of the MTV generation. When Xers were teenagers, their parents bought the
    first home computers and marveled as kids learned to program in BASIC.

  • 大阪 貨物線 廃線
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    Crown land policy to 1825 was multi-fold in the use of a “free” useful resource
    that had value to people who themselves might have little or no cash for its purchase
    and for the price of settling upon it to assist themselves
    and a create a brand new society. Liquidity involves
    the commerce-off between the price at which an asset can be bought, and how quickly it may be
    offered. Irrespective of how small your bathroom space may be, you possibly can always find
    room for romance. London secretly knowledgeable Washington in February 1947 that its funding would run out in a matter of weeks.
    This network aims to assist folks set up their CSAs, as well as offering useful info to help these relations to run extra successfully.
    The national umbrella organisation was arrange in 2013
    – that is the Neighborhood Supported Agriculture Community
    . CSA enterprises throughout the UK have been growing fast, with many of
    the farm to community connections beginning and remaining as grassroots initiates, regardless of limited funding from
    authorities or non-public sector. Research regarding
    the relationship between variation in home costs and populist electoral results have found that
    voters residing in areas the place home costs elevated the least had been more susceptible to vote for right-wing populist events.

  • ヴィルシェーンハイト声優
    Agosto 28, 2024 at 4:36 pm

    Military Corps of Engineers didn’t know of this mechanism of
    failure prior to August 29, 2005. The claim of ignorance is refuted by the National Science Basis investigators
    hired by the Army Corps of Engineers, who point to a 1986
    research (E-ninety nine research) by the corps itself that such separations have been potential within the I-wall design. American Society of Civil Engineers,
    Reston, Virginia. Anderson C. Battjes J. Daniel D. Edge B.
    (2007) The new Orleans Hurricane Safety System:
    What Went Incorrect and Why: A Report by the
    American Society of Civil Engineers External
    Assessment Panel. Independent Levee Investigation Staff Ultimate Report.
    Failure to incorporate the gap in interpretation of the test outcomes introduced unconservatism in the ultimate designs based on these tests.
    Last Group Louisiana Forensics Report to Louisiana Department of Transportation and Growth, December 2006.
    Baton Rouge, LA, USA. Causes for perception in these theories have been ascribed
    to the decision by metropolis officials during the great Mississippi Flood
    of 1927 to set off 30 tons of dynamite on the levee at Caernarvon, Louisiana which eased strain on levees at New Orleans but flooded St.
    Bernard Parish, the Ninth Ward taking the brunt
    of town’s flooding during Hurricane Betsy, the overall disenfranchisement of blacks and lower-class people, and the
    similarity of the sound of the levees collapsing to that of a bombing.

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    Each be aware in a chord can be performed individually, or muted by holding the left aspect of the string.

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    Simplify. Sometimes much less actually is extra — especially in case your wedding ceremony fashion is particularly elegant
    or refined. Nevertheless, a more significant severe weather occasion unfolded on May 21
    farther north in Canada, as a powerful and deadly derecho with wind gusts of
    as much as 118 mph (190 km/h; 53 m/s) triggered in depth injury across large areas of Ontario and Quebec,
    leading to 11 fatalities from straight-line winds.
    Since “unibodies” were held collectively extra by welds than nuts and bolts, they did
    not suffer a lot from looseness or rattles. A average threat for severe weather was
    issued by the Storm Prediction Middle for much of Minnesota in addition to
    southeastern North Dakota and jap South Dakota because of the possibility of intense, lengthy-tracked tornadoes and damaging wind gusts of up
    to eighty mph (130 km/h). The next year, EXP picked up the “bubbleback” hatch of
    its discontinued Mercury twin, the LN7, in addition to Escort’s
    new sprint and 120-bhp turbo option.

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    As a result of this, prosecutors were capable of go in entrance of a Grand Jury and indict me,
    based by myself (fabricated) statements, prepared by federal agents with out
    my signature. I learned from my case supervisor that my citizenship
    was listed in the Federal Bureau of Prisons’
    (BOP) laptop as “Pakistani” as a substitute of “Canadian.” All my
    Canadian documentation-passport, citizenship card, social insurance and well being playing cards and Canadian drivers license-have been in the possession of the FBI.
    One other federal agent informed me that if I did not cooperate, they might turn me over to the Indian government,
    an enemy of Pakistan, which might treat me as an enemy.

    Because I felt I had no other choice, I signed the Miranda Rights waiver kinds the agent gave me, waiving my right to an legal professional’s presence throughout
    questioning and spoke with brokers of the U.S.
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    He insisted that he didn’t intend tax evasion, not realizing
    Credit score Suisse had not withheld earnings tax, as is regular in Japan. Emergencies: Though an emergency
    fund is widely thought of the very best method to cover emergency expenses, credit score
    allows these without emergency funds to quickly offset the
    financial burden of an emergency. Simply to present a
    “boost” to these who have some desire to invest in stocks to construct wealth but will not be but fully convinced that the inventory market is the very best funding
    possibility that exists. In fact, if you are
    financially secure then your psychological stress
    would be minimized. After reading the heading, you’ll wonder why anybody in a privatized enterprise would undergo from ‘Battle-stress’
    (corporate stress), ask what’s corporate tradition and the place communication would match into
    the picture! In October 2009, Virgin Cash applied to the Financial Services Authority for a full banking
    licence. In June 2018, Virgin Money agreed to a takeover by
    CYBG plc (formed by Nationwide Australia Bank (NAB), out of several of its UK subsidiaries,
    in February 2016) which was accomplished in October 2018.
    Virgin Money was merged into Clydesdale Bank plc on 21 October
    2019, continuing as a trading name and working underneath
    Clydesdale Bank plc’s banking licence.

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    Northwest as the principle airline over the North Pacific following the warfare.

    As mentioned, Taurus took over as America’s most-in style
    car line in ’92. It used to have the only right of notice
    subject, which it lost in 1928 when the newly established Financial
    institution of Greece took over as the nation’s central financial institution. You probably
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    For instance, name centre software program, which helps to connect a customer to
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    For instance, most offshore carriers are prohibited to keep up a domestic sales force.
    Right here, Ford applied “mini-Taurus” styling to the
    latest version of Mazda’s small, entrance-drive 323/Protege
    to provide a reliable Japanese-fashion subcompact with a lot higher gross sales enchantment towards rival Toyotas,
    Hondas, and Nissans. Soldiering on with few evident variations from
    one 12 months to the next, Ford’s front-drive compact tended to get lost in the good gray mass of Detroit market-fillers that you just were extra apt to
    rent on vacation than put in your driveway.

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    On 18 September 2008, UK regulators introduced
    a short lived ban on quick-promoting the inventory of financial
    corporations. The volume of CDS outstanding increased 100-fold from
    1998 to 2008, with estimates of the debt lined by CDS contracts,
    as of November 2008, starting from US$33 to $47 trillion. CDS can be
    utilized to hedge or can be used speculatively. One other essential
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    This prevents quite a few empty advertising, significantly wherever the info provided is right.
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    Очистка воды выполняет ключевую роль в поддержании эффективной работы производственного оборудования – . Метод состоит из обработку и подготовку воды для исключения вредных веществ, таких как солевые компоненты, органические вещества и вредные бактерии. Это требуется для предотвращения разрушения, накипи и других проблем, которые способны понизить производительность оборудования и сократить период эксплуатации. Применение качественной водоподготовки обеспечивает не только увеличить надёжность и срок службы оборудования, но и уменьшить расходы на эксплуатацию и починку.

    Новые системы водоподготовки состоят из множество технологических процессов и техники. Среди них важно отметить механические фильтры, предназначенные для удаления значительных частиц, системы ультрафильтрации, которые качественно устраняют солевые соединения, и ультрафиолетовые установки, обеззараживающие воду. Также важную роль играют химические компоненты, используемые для корректировки pH и борьбы с коррозией. Автоматизация процесса даёт возможность значительно улучшить точность и результативность процесса кондиционирования воды, что чрезвычайно важно в условиях большого производства.

    Современная водоподготовка положительно сказывается на экологическое состояние, уменьшая выбросы загрязняющих веществ в природную среду. Применение новых технологий и оборудования позволяет сократить потребление воды и её загрязнение, что отвечает с нормами устойчивого развития. Заводы, обращающие внимание на водоподготовку, не только улучшают свои производственные показатели, но и проявляют ответственность к окружающей среде. В результате, качественная водоподготовка представляет собой конкурентное преимущество и вложением в устойчивое развитие, как для производств, так и для всего общества.

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    However don’t underestimate the sense of happiness and relaxation that will
    include spending a little bit time and power — or money — on you.
    As an arbitrage consists of a minimum of two trades, the metaphor
    is of putting on a pair of pants, one leg (commerce) at a time.
    The result of the referendum was one hundred in favor of
    the varsity tax and two against it. All through his two classic investment primers,
    he has outlined many of the investments he discovered when not in his office.
    CFA Institute Funding Sequence. A new gymnasium, the James M.
    Templeton Bodily Training Building, was added to the campus in 1925
    at the cost of $12,000. Students could add artwork, elocution, music, or piano
    to their studies for an added fee. An additional $1,500 was donated by others and the City of Cary so as to
    add a barn, farmhouse, dairy cows, and other stock to the model farm.
    At the same time, the Board of Schooling allocated $38,000 to construct a brand
    new building for the Cary High school campus, and an additional
    $12,000 to update heating methods. Eight days later on April 3, 1907, the board of directors of Cary Highschool offered it
    to the Wake County Board of Training for $2,750-its estimated
    value at the time was more than $8,000.

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    These concepts were added because of the risk associated with the accumulation in both variable annuities and
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    annuities at this point. The equity premium puzzle refers to the inability of an important class of economic models
    to explain the average equity risk premium (ERP)
    provided by a diversified portfolio of equities over that
    of government bonds, which has been observed for more than 100 years.

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    Amedeo Obici believed that costs and first earnings were as important as repeat enterprise, focusing his operation on quality and model title for continued success.
    In the 1930s, the economists Oskar Lange and Abba
    Lerner developed a mannequin of socialism that posited that a public physique (dubbed the Central Planning Board) may set
    costs through a trial-and-error method till they equaled the marginal
    value of production so as to achieve excellent competitors and
    pareto optimality. Radio protection of the Battle of Britain, an aerial
    campaign during which Germany sought air superiority and bombed British targets,
    additional galvanized American public opinion behind Britain. Roosevelt, who
    was decided that Britain not be defeated, took advantage of the fast shifts of public opinion; the fall of Paris especially led to a
    decline in isolationist sentiment. As France’s situation grew increasingly determined, Churchill and
    French Prime Minister Paul Reynaud appealed to Roosevelt for an American entry into
    the struggle, but Roosevelt was nonetheless unwilling to problem the isolationist
    sentiment in the United States. The primary open-end
    mutual fund with redeemable shares was established on March
    21, 1924, because the Massachusetts Buyers Belief, which remains to be in existence at the moment and managed by MFS Funding Administration.

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    In 2016, the Penang state government launched Malaysia’s first digital
    library, situated inside the grounds of PFS. In 2018, the George Town Literary Festival turned the primary Southeast Asian literary occasion to realize the worldwide Literary Festival Award at the London E book Honest.
    Town centre is recognised by UNESCO for its “distinctive architectural and cultural townscape with out parallel anyplace in East and Southeast Asia”.
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    The West Boca Medical Middle was structurally damaged and the
    steeple of a church collapsed. Additionally, a church misplaced its steeple and
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    extensive roof damage. The county’s predominant hospital, Martin Memorial, sustained sufficient damage to be unable to receive new patients.

    A roof leak at St. Mary’s Medical Center compelled staff to evacuate patients to other rooms.
    In Boynton Seashore, several schools received damage, primarily restricted to downed bushes, fences, and signs, as well as missing roof tiles and broken windows, although just
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    Garrioch, David (1996). The Formation of the Parisian Bourgeoisie, 1690-1830.
    Harvard College Press. Community program Because of the network program the
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